Monday, September 26, 2016

Disinformation Visualization: How to lie with datavis - Response

Mushon Zer-Aviv's Disinformation Visualization: How to lie with datavis brought my attention on how some people could alter data for a result (in terms of their own purposes). To be more specific, those people would create a "lie" in the data, either for legibility for the sake of (I would say) "balanced" information, or for one's bias that can lead to the misrepresentation of information from the data; this applies to anything that can end up fooling someone, including in photography (or identification), since Erol Morris stated in "What's in a Name" that some people falsified their information about themselves in the 1800's when photographs weren't used at the time for identification. Falifying information is something I can't stand these days since altering information in data can be easy, while people who would look at the altered data take it as it is, without any second thoughts. If we have more conscience over the data we see, we can be more judgmental if there's any false information (although, this is my thought on this).

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