Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Kristin Schimik's "Quiet Fires of All Degrees" - Response

I find it interesting on how Kristin Schimik makes use of the concept of scale and time in her narrative to not only be aware of the iron ores and mining companies, but everything beyond that like the mountains, the metal machines, and the stars. It provides a better "light" or view on iron and those related to it, like the hot fires with the Big Bang in terms of burning into metals. Personally, the only comparison I had made back when I was young was with the moon and how it acted as something as a nightlight (or was it the stars with lightbulbs?).

Thursday, November 3, 2016

Project 4: Algorithmic Image

  1. Take a pen/pencil and a piece of paper.
  2. Draw out something what comes to mind that represents how you feel in cold weather.
  3. Cut out the drawing.
  4. Place the cut-out drawing somewhere that you think fits its “meaning” (a tree, a door, the ground, building, etc.) and take a picture of it in that scenario.