Friday, December 6, 2013

Best Mario Game So Far: Super Mario 3D World

I recently got Super Mario 3D World for my Wii U last week, and dang, it's best Mario game by far. Just like Super Mario 3D Land, it's basically a combination of Super Mario 64 and Super Mario World where you try to reach each flagpoles as you travel through 3D levels. The game was also interesting that the creators of the game put in Co-op in it; can't have a game without your friends and family playing along! The one thing that surprised me the most is how the game looked. The level design was great, but the graphics made it whole. I mean, these graphics looked so vibrant and colorful that it just fits the Mario atmosphere. All together, Super Mario 3D World is the best Mario game so far. Now, I wonder when Nintendo will come out with the next Super Mario Galaxy...